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Super Affiliate Program Presidential Special For a Limited Time Only : $100.00. You get the real estate flipping houses deal from the starter kit. $100.00 for 4 weeks = 30 Days time frame total. You can do an upgrade package to $198 and up for the complete super affiliate program package later. See button above. How does the profit margin program works. Example: The super affiliate persons who brings in 10+ people = a minimum of $1,000+, the company will pay you up to 30% of the $1,000 = $300. The super affiliate partner brings in 25 people at $80.00 a pop, that equals $2,000. The super affiliate will be paid up to $600 profit. The super affiliate person who grosses $2,000 in profits, the company pays you up to $600 and you become an ongoing Real Estate Partner with this company. Take $100.00 profit, and multiply it by 80 sales of people coming in= $8,000 gross profit in a month, 30 days plus. The super affiliate profits $2,000 within one week plus time frame. In one year, super affiliate can make $8,000 gross a month x 12 months= $100,000+ a year. Net profit = $2,000 week x 52 weeks = $100,000 net profit for one year for the super affiliate partner. We make your dreams come true. Just get what you can afford with this company now, EZ Real Estate Biz. This is a worldwide super affiliate program and a Real Estate Global Business. Affiliate can get one real estate contract signed and become a lifetime member. Also can make $10,000 a month to $100,000 on one real estate transaction nationwide and worldwide real estate biz. Proof of funds available when we get the appraisal on the real estate property deal nationwide and worldwide.

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The statements in this website are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. As with any business, your results will vary and will be based on your desire, dedication, effort, ability to follow directions, and an infinite number of variables beyond our control. See policy notice.
Sales property price was $400,000. Sold mansion for $300,000.
Super Affiliate Program Presidential Special For a Limited Time Only : $75.00. You get the real estate flipping houses deal from the starter kit. $75.00 for 3 week = 21 days time frame total. You can do an upgrade package to $198 and up for the complete super affiliate program package later. See button above. How does the profit margin program works. Example: The super affiliate persons who brings in 10+ people = a minimum of $750+, the company will pay you up to 30% of the $750 = $225. The super affiliate partner brings in 25 people at $28.00 a pop, that equals $2,000. The super affiliate will be paid up to $600 profit. The super affiliate person who grosses $2,000 in profits, the company pays you up to $600 and you become an ongoing Real Estate Partner with this company. Take $100.00 profit, and multiply it by 80 sales of people coming in= $8,000 gross profit in a month, 30 days plus. The super affiliate profits $2,000 within one week plus time frame. In one year, super affiliate can make $8,000 gross a month x 12 months= $100,000+ a year. Net profit = $2,000 week x 52 weeks = $100,000 net profit for one year for the super affiliate partner. We make your dreams come true. Just get what you can afford with this company now, EZ Real Estate Biz. This is a worldwide super affiliate program and a Real Estate Global Enterprise. Affiliate can get one real estate contract signed and become a lifetime member. Also can make $10,000 a month to $100,000 on one real estate transaction nationwide and worldwide real estate biz. Proof of funds available when we get the appraisal on the real estate property deal nationwide and worldwide business.
Super Affiliate Program Presidential Special For a Limited Time Only : $50.00. You get the real estate flipping houses deal from the starter kit. $50.00 for 2 weeks = 14 Days time frame total. You can do an upgrade package to $198 and up for the complete super affiliate program package later. See button above. How does the profit margin program works. Example: The super affiliate persons who brings in 10+ people = a minimum of $500+, the company will pay you up to 30% of the $500 = $150. The super affiliate partner brings in 40 people at $80.00 a pop, that equals $2,000. The super affiliate will be paid up to $600 profit. The super affiliate person who grosses $2,000 in profits, the company pays you up to $600 and you become an ongoing Real Estate Partner with this company. Take $100.00 profit, and multiply it by 80 sales of people coming in= $8,000 gross profit in a month, 30 days plus. The super affiliate profits $2,000 within one week plus time frame. In one year, super affiliate can make $8,000 gross a month x 12 months= $100,000+ a year. Net profit = $2,000 week x 52 weeks = $100,000 net profit for one year for the super affiliate partner. We make your dreams come true. Just get what you can afford with this company now, EZ Real Estate Biz. This is a worldwide super affiliate program and a Real Estate Global Business. Affiliate can get one real estate contract signed and become a lifetime member. Also can make $10,000 a month to $100,000 on one real estate transaction nationwide and worldwide real estate biz. Proof of funds available when we get the appraisal on the real estate property deal nationwide and worldwide business.
Super Affiliate Program Presidential Special For a Limited Time Only : $25.00. You get the real estate flipping houses deal from the starter kit. $25.00 for 1 weeks =7 Days time frame total. You can do an upgrade package to $198 and up for the complete super affiliate program package later. See button above. How does the profit margin program works. Example: The super affiliate persons who brings in 56+ people = a minimum of $1,400+, the company will pay you up to 30% of the $1,400 = $420. The super affiliate partner brings in 25 people at $80.00 a pop, that equals $2,000. The super affiliate will be paid up to $600 profit. The super affiliate person who grosses $2,000 in profits, the company pays you up to $600 and you become an ongoing Real Estate Partner with this company. Take $100.00 profit, and multiply it by 80 sales of people coming in= $8,000 gross profit in a month, 30 days plus. The super affiliate profits $2,000 within one week plus time frame. In one year, super affiliate can make $8,000 gross a month x 12 months= $100,000+ a year. Net profit = $2,000 week x 52 weeks = $100,000 net profit for one month for the super affiliate partner. We make your dreams come true. Just get what you can afford with this company now, EZ Real Estate Biz. This is a worldwide super affiliate program and a Real Estate Global Enterprise. Affiliate can get one real estate contract signed and become a lifetime member. Also can make $10,000 a month to $100,000 on one real estate transaction nationwide and worldwide real estate biz. Proof of funds available when we get the appraisal on the real estate property deal nationwide and worldwide.
Business salary for one year ---> 1. Poor: $100,000 a year net. 2. Fair: $200,000 a year net. 3. Good: $300,000 a year net. 4, Excellent: $400,000+ a year net.
Business salary for one week ---> 1. Poor: $2,000 a week net. 2. Fair: $4,000 a week net. 3. Good: $6,000 a week net. 4, Excellent: $8,000+ a week net.
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We have 18 levels of product packages- so no matter your budget we have a level sure to help you get started fast. You can watch the company overview to see all the details at Agreement 4 Presidential Special Page.
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